Thanks for your interest in the KJ7 EDUCATION FOUNDATION Teaching Resource Grants!
Teaching Resource Grants enable educators in District #283 to utilize new methods, equipment, materials and strategies to help students to learn and succeed in school. Teaching Resource Grants provide funds for the purchase of supplies and equipment for these programs/projects which are beyond the regular school budget.
We are specifically interested in programs/projects that have not been offered or used in your classroom, grade, subject matter area, or building.
Grant Application Sections
The Teaching Resource Grant application includes four sections: 1) Cover Page; 2) Application; 3) Budget; 4) Grant Report. The Cover Page, Application and Budget are submitted as an application package; the Grant Report with is submitted following completion of their program/project.
Sharing With Other Educators
As well as telling us about your program/project in the application, we ask applicants to describe how you would share your experience and lessons learned with other district educators if your program/project is funded. This sharing could be a short presentation at a staff meeting or in-service or another means agreed by you and your principal.
The KJ7 Board of directors made the decision to allow at anytime for a Teaching Resource Grant to be submitted.
Teaching Resource Grant Application PDF