DISCOVERY GRANTS FOR STUDENTS is an exciting program for Kendrick and Juliaetta SD283 students offered by the KJ7 Education Foundation. This opportunity encourages students to pursue personally significant independent learning. Each student applicant proposes a self-study project which to develop skills, experiences and knowledge about a topic of their own choice. Grant recipients receive one-time funding to assist with exploring this interest!
How it works:
- Eligible applicant students are enrolled for the current year in Kendrick Joint School District 283 (Kendrick and Juliaetta)
- Applicants select a topic of interest – knowledge or skills they want to explore
- Applicants identify a Teacher Advisor and talk to him/her about the project
- The application form must be completed and signed by a Teacher Advisor and School Principal
- Applications received by deadline are considered for Grants up to $100 which will be awarded based on funds available. Suggested grant requests are $25, $50, $75 or $100
- Projects are selected by lottery
- The project must be complete by the date agreed and a report submitted to the Foundation describing the results and what the student learned
- Grants will not be awarded to fund the purchase or maintenance of livestock or pets
Note: To the extent possible, students work on their Discovery Grant project on their own time and must rely upon their own resources, aided by the grant funds
Forms and Information: